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pokój house z 42 m²

Unorganized Division No. 18, SK, Canada

stawka Miesięcznie


Okres wynajmuBez ograniczeń
Dostępne odjak najszybciej


Zatwierdzono przez rentola.ca

Ostatnia aktywność: 26 days ago

Welcome home! (Has a House)

My Wife and I love to travel and meet new people! In this crazy world we believe its important for students taking their first steps in a foreign land to have a safe refuge from the storm. We love new experiences and learning about other people and cultures and thought this would be a great opportunity for us to lend a hand and give back to the community. Being multicultural ourselves, combined our travel experiences range from Scotland, the UK and the USA to most of Asia. Including Hong Kong, Japan, Shanghai and Taiwan. we both love cooking, photography, music, movies, meeting new people, exercise, and trying new things which is why we feel this experience would be mutually beneficial for both of us! My wife works as a personal support working in an assisted living retirement home, while I work in the Office Of Protocol with the Federal Government. We keep a warm and cozy home free of clutter and expect the same of our guests. We both believe in treating people how they would like to be treated with courtesy and mutual respect. We would ask that our students be respectful of their surroundings and clean. Excellent transit 5mins away, close to tons of shopping and activities! We look forward to welcoming you!! Jason and Marites Cabana.

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Rodzaj nieruchomości





42 m²


750 CAD

Okres wynajmu

Bez ograniczeń

Dostępne od

jak najszybciej

Akceptowane zwierzęta


Cena za m²

18 CAD

Powiązana oferta w Unorganized Division No. 18


My comfort zone (Has a House)

650 CAD / miesięcznie

Unorganized Division No. 18, SK, Canada

1 pokój




Fleetwood Homestay (Has a House)

720 CAD / miesięcznie

Unorganized Division No. 18, SK, Canada

1 pokój



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