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2 pièces maison de 223 m²

225 Duntroon Circle, Ottawa, ON K1T 3J6, Canada

Mois taux


Durée de locationIllimité
Disponible à partir deDÈS MAINTENANT


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Dernier actif: il y a 5 jours

Homestay Ottawa (Has a House)

Hello everyone,Despite advertising, I'm not always prepared to host because I occasionally rent out one or two bedrooms to a neat, decent students. Please reach out to me in advance if you need more details. The cost of renting can vary depending on how long you are renting for, such as two, four, or six months.I'm a dynamic, fun-loving individual that delights in getting to know new individuals from various backgrounds. I speak both French and English and my house is located between Greenboro and South Keys where many Carleton University and University of Ottawa students rent rooms. Glebe area is about 30 min by bus.Both rooms are on the second floor and come with all necessary amenities and utilities included (Discuss air conditioning) Additionally, guests will have a small fridge, hot water kettle, a microwave, and a toaster in close reach to their beds. For some additional price, nutritious meals are offered.There are numerous parks where you can go running, play tennis, basketball, baseball, or bike along the routes. The Greenboro Community Centre, a few minutes away, also has a public library, a gym, and other activities. There are several shopping centres, coffee shops, etc., and just a short walk separates the home from the bus stations. Bus stops for routes 40 and 98 are just a short stroll away.So, if you're looking for a healthy location to study, mingle, and participate in various activities, this is the place for you. Note:If you're new to Ottawa, we'll usually drive you around to make sure you're familiar with the area's amenities, including shopping and public transportation (bus, train, etc.).Airport pick-up for students may be provided, depending on the schedule. I also assist you with obtaining your phone line, bus pass, etc. I have been intermittently renting to students from across the globe, and we have enjoyed getting to know folks from all over the world.*Just as much as you like to know specifics about my house, I also like to know who will be arriving! :) So please add a profile photo and some information about yourself when you message me.While the property has been completely renovated, some old photos are still present.Best wishes to all of you!

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Détails de cette propriété

Type de propriété





223 m²


950 CAD

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